smart city products

Carbon dioxide (CO2) monitors help employers identify poor ventilation so they can improve it and reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. The priority for your risk assessment is to identify areas of your workplace that are usually occupied and poorly ventilated. CO2 monitors can help you do this. People breathe out CO2. If there is a build-up of CO2 in an area it can indicate that ventilation needs improving.

Smart water meters are devices that measure and communicate water usage from consumer to provider to facilitate water management and proper billing. These meters are equipped with an electronic computing unit, or ECU, that facilitates communication between the meter and the supplier.

Smart Parking sensors are IoT sensors that are installed in parking spaces to detect the presence of a parked vehicle using ultrasonic or radar technology. Smart parking sensors are easy to install, battery-powered and operate wirelessly. These sensors can be based on a variety of sensing technologies, the most commonly used are magnetometer, infrared, ultrasonic, and radar.